Our target audience was project managers, talent procurement managers, executives and other stakeholders. Research showed that Danos had a reputation in the marketplace that was different than their previous marketing materials communicated. So we needed a campaign that would communicate their perceived reputation in the marketplace while building on their heritage, products and services.
Our target audience was project managers, talent procurement managers, executives and other stakeholders. Research showed that Danos had a reputation in the marketplace that was different than their previous marketing materials communicated. So we needed a campaign that would communicate their perceived reputation in the marketplace while building on their heritage, products and services.
Branding & Recruitment Video series
From the implementation of a thorough research strategy to building an integrated campaign that reinforces their positive reputation we developed “Danos Does It Right”. This direction, and its rollout, took the client to new levels of success. Not only did it encourage employee involvement through videos and other communication materials, but it stood up to the ‘sniff’ test of achieving results through attention to details.
The rollout of the campaign was a success both internally and externally. The comments received from stakeholders and employees reinforced that the team involved achieved unheard of success. Not an easy task given the resistance to change the company and its executive board had exhibited in the past.
Microsite / Print Collateral